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JavaScript Functions

function getString(){

    // Get the user's input
    let userString = document.getElementById("userString").value;

    // Test the user's input for length
    // Reverse the input => seperate function
    let revString = reverseString(userString);

    // Display the result => seperate function


function reverseString(userString){

    // Start at the last index
    let startValue = userString.length - 1;
    let endValue = 0;

    let revString = "";

    // In a decremented for loop,
    // the start value must be higher than the end value
    for(let i = startValue; i >= endValue; i--){
        revString += userString[i];

    return revString


function displayString(revString){

    let output = document.getElementById("results");
    output.innerHTML = revString;

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